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Command Reference


The validator command exposes the following subcommands.

  • describe - Describe Validator results in a Kubernetes cluster.

  • install - Install Validator and Validator plugins.

  • rules - Configure and apply, or directly evaluate validator plugin rules.

  • uninstall - Uninstall Validator and remove all Validator plugins.

  • upgrade - Upgrade Validator & reconfigure Validator plugins.

  • version - Display validatorctl version.


Credentials and other permissions may be required depending on the Validator plugins you use. For example, the AWS plugin requires AWS credentials with elevated permissions to validate your AWS environment.


Use the install subcommand to install the Validator framework and configure Validator plugins. An interactive wizard will guide you through the installation process. You can also use a configuration file to install Validator.


A kind cluster will be deployed as part of Validator installation. If you have the environment variable KUBECONFIG set, then Validator will automatically target the specified cluster. Otherwise, a kind cluster with the name validator-kind-cluster is deployed.

You can install Validator into an existing Kubernetes cluster by using the Helm chart. Refer to the Validator Helm Install steps for more information.

The install subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
--applyConfigure and apply validator plugin rules. Default: false-
-f--config-fileInstall Validator using a configuration file (optional). Provide the file path to the configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate a configuration file without proceeding with an actual install. Default: falseboolean
-h--helpHelp with any command.-
-r--reconfigureReconfigure Validator and plugins prior to installation. The --config-file flag must be included. Default: false.boolean
-p--update-passwordsUpdate credentials provided in the configuration file. This does not proceed with installation. The --config-file flag must be included. Default: false.boolean
--waitWait for validation to succeed and describe results. Only applies when --apply is set. Default: false-


Below are some examples of using the install subcommand and its supported workflows.

Interactive Install

validator install

Install using a configuration file

validator install \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml

Reconfigure an install and reference a configuration file

validator install --reconfigure \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml

Generate a configuration file without proceeding with an actual installation

validator install --config-only

Update credentials provided in the configuration file. This does proceed with installation but will prompt for new credentials.

validator install --update-passwords --config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml

Configuration Files

After the install wizard completes, Validator will generate a configuration file. You can use the generated configuration file to install Validator using with the same configuration you specified in the wizard. You also need this configuration file to uninstall Validator.

Once Validator is installed, the configuration file is located in the $HOME/.validator directory and is named validator.yaml.

The install output displays the location of the configuration file. In the example below, the configuration file is located at /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml. The output is truncated for brevity.

validator configuration file saved: /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml
Creating cluster "validator-kind-cluster" ...
✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.24.7) 🖼
• Preparing nodes 📦 ...
• Writing configuration 📜 ...
✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
• Installing CNI 🔌 ...
✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
Set kubectl context to "kind-validator-kind-cluster"
You can now use your cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-validator-kind-cluster --kubeconfig /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/kind-cluster.kubeconfig

The kubeconfig file to the kind cluster is also located in the $HOME/.validator/ directory and is named kind-cluster.kubeconfig. Its location is displayed in the install output.

Review Validation Results

Validator generates a report after the validation process is complete. All validations are stored as a Custom Resource (CR) in the validator namespace. Each plugin you specified during installation will have its own CR. Additionally, Validator creates a CR containing all the validation results and Validator configurations.


The kind cluster's kubeconfig file is located in the $HOME/.validator/ directory and is named kind-cluster.kubeconfig. Its location is displayed in the install output. You can use this kubeconfig file to access the kind cluster and view the CRs.

Example: /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/kind-cluster.kubeconfig

Below is example output of the CRs Validator creates after a successful validation process. Two plugins were used in this example: the aws plugin and the network plugin.

NAME                                             CREATED AT
awsvalidators.validation.spectrocloud.labs 2023-11-09T21:02:41Z
networkvalidators.validation.spectrocloud.labs 2023-11-09T21:02:45Z
validationresults.validation.spectrocloud.labs 2023-11-09T21:02:12Z
validatorconfigs.validation.spectrocloud.labs 2023-11-09T21:02:12Z

You can use the kubectl command to view the validation results. To review all the results collectively, use the describe command to display the validationresults CR.


Use the validator describe command to view the validation results. The validator describecommand provides a more user-friendly output of the validation results. Refer to the Describe section for more information.

kubectl describe validationresults --namespace validator
Name:         validator-plugin-aws-aws-validator-spectro-cloud-base
Namespace: validator
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: validation.spectrocloud.labs/v1alpha1
Kind: ValidationResult
Creation Timestamp: 2023-11-09T21:03:14Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 721
UID: 766f0465-8867-48e9-89e5-a6f819795b17
Plugin: AWS
v1alpha1.IamRoleRule SpectroCloudRole missing action(s): [s3:DeleteObject s3:PutBucketOwnershipControls s3:PutBucketPolicy s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock s3:PutObjectAcl s3:PutObject] for resource arn:*:s3:::* from policy Controllers Policy
Last Validation Time: 2023-11-09T21:03:14Z
Message: One or more required IAM permissions was not found, or a condition was not met
Status: False
Validation Rule: validation-SpectroCloudRole
Validation Type: aws-iam-role-policy
State: Failed
Events: <none>

Name: validator-plugin-aws-validator-plugin-aws
Namespace: validator
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: validation.spectrocloud.labs/v1alpha1
Kind: ValidationResult
Creation Timestamp: 2023-11-09T21:03:12Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 713
UID: 73e2f1c6-feb0-493b-bf8a-161e662e02b5
Plugin: AWS
EC2-VPC Elastic IPs: quota: 10, buffer: 5, max. usage: 0, max. usage entity: us-east-1
Last Validation Time: 2023-11-09T21:03:12Z
Message: Usage for all service quotas is below specified buffer
Status: True
Validation Rule: validation-ec2
Validation Type: aws-service-quota
State: Succeeded
Events: <none>

Name: validator-plugin-aws-validator-plugin-network
Namespace: validator
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: validation.spectrocloud.labs/v1alpha1
Kind: ValidationResult
Creation Timestamp: 2023-11-09T21:03:12Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 734
UID: 256006fb-5729-4b44-a4e1-58b7d32068b9
Plugin: Network
nc [-w 3 443] succeeded
Last Validation Time: 2023-11-09T21:03:17Z
Status: True
Validation Rule: default
Validation Type: network-tcp-conn
State: Failed
Events: <none>

The State field in the Status section of the ValidationResult CR indicates if the validation was successful or not. If the validation was successful, the State field is set to Succeeded.

In the example below, the State field is set to Succeeded for the validator-plugin-aws-validator-plugin-aws CR. This check was successful because the usage for all service quotas is below the specified buffer. The output is truncated for brevity.

Name:         validator-plugin-aws-validator-plugin-aws
EC2-VPC Elastic IPs: quota: 10, buffer: 5, max. usage: 0, max. usage entity: us-east-1
Last Validation Time: 2023-11-09T21:03:12Z
Message: Usage for all service quotas is below specified buffer
Status: True
Validation Rule: validation-ec2
Validation Type: aws-service-quota
State: Succeeded

If the validation is not successful, the State field is set to Failed. The Conditions.Failures section contains additional information about the failure. In this example, several IAM permissions are missing for the SpectroCloudRole IAM role. The output is truncated for brevity.

Name:         validator-plugin-aws-aws-validator-spectro-cloud-base
v1alpha1.IamRoleRule SpectroCloudRole missing action(s): [s3:DeleteObject s3:PutBucketOwnershipControls s3:PutBucketPolicy s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock s3:PutObjectAcl s3:PutObject] for resource arn:*:s3:::* from policy Controllers Policy
Last Validation Time: 2023-11-09T21:03:14Z
Message: One or more required IAM permissions was not found, or a condition was not met
Status: False
Validation Rule: validation-SpectroCloudRole
Validation Type: aws-iam-role-policy
State: Failed

Use the error output to help you address the failure. In this example, you would need to add the missing IAM permissions to the SpectroCloudRole IAM role. Other failures may require you to update your environment to meet the validation requirements.

Resolve Failures

Each plugin may have its own set of failures. Resolving failures will depend on the plugin and the failure. Use the error output to help you address the failure.

Every 30 seconds, Validator will continuously re-issue a validation and update the ValidationResult CR with the result of the validation. The validation results are hashed, and result events are only emitted if the result has changed. Once you resolve the failure, Validator will update the ValidationResult CR with the new result.

Use the kubectl describe command to view the validation results.


Use the validator describe command to view the validation results. The validator describe command provides a more user-friendly output of the validation results. Refer to the Describe section for more information.

kubectl describe validationresults --namespace validator


Use the rules subcommand to configure and apply validator plugin rules, or directly invoke validation rules.

The rules subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-h--helpHelp with any command.-

The rules subcommand exposes the following subcommands.

  • apply - Configure and apply validator plugin rules in a Kubernetes cluster.

  • check - Directly evaluate rules for validator plugins.


Use the apply subcommand to configure and apply validator plugin rules.

The apply subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileValidator configuration file (required).string
-o--config-onlyUpdate the configuration file only. Do not proceed with checks. Default: falseboolean
-h--helpHelp with any command.-
-r--reconfigureReconfigure plugins rules prior to running checks. The --config-file flag must be included. Default: false.boolean
-p--update-passwordsUpdate credentials provided in the configuration file. This does not proceed with installation. The --config-file flag must be included. Default: false.boolean
--waitWait for validation to succeed and describe results. Default: false-

Apply Validator plugin rules in a cluster and wait for results.

validator rules apply  \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml \


Use the check subcommand to directly evaluate rules for validator plugins.

The check subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileValidator configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyUpdate the configuration file only. Do not proceed with checks. Default: falseboolean
--custom-resourcesPath to a file or directory containing validator custom resource YAML documents.string
-h--helpHelp with any command.-
-r--reconfigureReconfigure plugins rules prior to running checks. The --config-file flag must be included. Default: false.boolean
-p--update-passwordsUpdate credentials provided in the configuration file. This does not proceed with installation. The --config-file flag must be included. Default: false.boolean

Directly evaluate Validator plugin rules.

validator rules check

Directly evaluate preconfigured Validator plugin rules via validator config.

validator rules check  \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml

Directly evaluate preconfigured Validator plugin rules via custom resources.

validator rules check  \
--custom-resources /Users/demo/custom-resources


Use the uninstall subcommand to uninstall the Validator framework and remove all Validator plugins. To remove Validator, you must specify the --config-file flag.

The uninstall subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileUninstall Validator using a configuration file (required). Provide the file path to the configuration file.string
-d--delete-clusterDelete Validator kind cluster. This does not apply if using a preexisting Kubernetes cluster. Default: true.bool
-h--helpHelp with any command.-


Remove Validator, its plugins, and the kind cluster.

validator uninstall  \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml \

Remove Validator, its plugins, but not the kind cluster.

validator uninstall  \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml \


Use the describe subcommand to describe Validator results in a Kubernetes cluster. The describe subcommand prints out the validation results in a user-friendly format.

The describe subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileFile path to the configuration file. This flag is required. Refer to the Configuration Files section to learn more about configuration files.string
-h--helpHelp with any command.-


The following example uses the describe subcommand to display the validation results in a user-friendly format.

validator describe \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml
Using kubeconfig from validator configuration file: /home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311151646/kind-cluster.kubeconfig

Validation Result

Plugin: AWS
Name: validator-plugin-aws-validator-plugin-aws-iam-base
Namespace: validator
State: Failed
Sink State: N/A

Rule Results

Validation Rule: validation-SpectroCloudRole
Validation Type: aws-iam-role-policy
Status: False
Last Validated: 2024-03-11T15:20:58Z
Message: One or more required SCP permissions was not found, or a condition was not met

- Action: autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups is denied due to an Organization level SCP policy for role: SpectroCloudRole
- Action: autoscaling:DescribeInstanceRefreshes is denied due to an Organization level SCP policy for role: SpectroCloudRole
- Action: ec2:AllocateAddress is denied due to an Organization level SCP policy for role: SpectroCloudRole
- Action: ec2:AssociateRouteTable is denied due to an Organization level SCP policy for role: SpectroCloudRole
- Action: ec2:AttachInternetGateway is denied due to an Organization level SCP policy for role: SpectroCloudRol


Use the upgrade subcommand to upgrade Validator and reconfigure Validator plugins. The upgrade subcommand requires a Validator configuration file. Use the --config-file flag to specify the configuration file.

The upgrade subcommand accepts the following flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileUpgrade using a configuration file. Refer to the Configuration Files section to learn more about configuration files.string
-h--helpHelp for the upgrade command.-


In the following example, the Validator version is upgraded. The configuration file located at /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml was updated to use Validator version v0.0.36 from version v0.0.30.

name: validator
version: v0.0.36
insecureSkipVerify: true
values: ""

Once the configuration file is updated, use the upgrade subcommand to upgrade Validator.

validator upgrade \
--config-file /Users/demo/.validator/validator-20231109135306/validator.yaml
==== Installing/upgrading validator Helm chart ====
helm upgrade validator validator --repo --version v0.0.36 --insecure-skip-tls-verify --kubeconfig /tmp/2773008921 --namespace validator --install --create-namespace --values /tmp/1655869680

==== Kubectl Command ====
kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=600s deployment/validator-controller-manager -n validator --kubeconfig=/home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311153652/kind-cluster.kubeconfig
deployment.apps/validator-controller-manager condition met
Pausing for 20s for validator to establish a lease & begin plugin installation

==== Kubectl Command ====
kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=600s deployment/validator-plugin-aws-controller-manager -n validator --kubeconfig=/home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311153652/kind-cluster.kubeconfig
deployment.apps/validator-plugin-aws-controller-manager condition met

validator and validator plugin(s) installed successfully

==== Applying AWS plugin validator(s) ====

==== Kubectl Command ====
kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311154338/manifests/rules.yaml --kubeconfig=/home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311153652/kind-cluster.kubeconfig
awsvalidator.validation.spectrocloud.labs/rules unchanged

==== Kubectl Command ====
kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311154338/manifests/awsvalidator-iam-role-spectro-cloud-base.yaml --kubeconfig=/home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311153652/kind-cluster.kubeconfig
awsvalidator.validation.spectrocloud.labs/validator-plugin-aws-iam-base unchanged

Plugins will now execute validation checks.

You can list validation results via the following command:
kubectl -n validator get validationresults --kubeconfig /home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311153652/kind-cluster.kubeconfig

And you can view all validation result details via the following command:
kubectl -n validator describe validationresults --kubeconfig /home/ubuntu/.validator/validator-20240311153652/kind-cluster.kubeconfig


Use the version subcommand to display the current validatorctl version.

validator version
Validator CLI version: 0.1.0